June 21, 2009


Regardless of where one may stand -behind, to the side or in opposition- with respect to President Obama, his article in Parade is definitely worth the read and has truth in it. I was particularly moved by the article. The following excerpt resonated deeply with me:

And it’s not enough to just be physically present. Too often, especially during tough economic times like these, we are emotionally absent: distracted, consumed by what’s happening in our own lives, worried about keeping our jobs and paying our bills, unsure if we’ll be able to give our kids the same opportunities we had.

Our children can tell. They know when we’re not fully there. And that disengagement sends a clear message—whether we mean it or not—about where among our priorities they fall.


On this Father’s Day, I am recommitting myself to that work, to those duties that all parents share: to build a foundation for our children’s dreams, to give them the love and support they need to fulfill them, and to stick with them the whole way through, no matter what doubts we may feel or difficulties we may face. That is my prayer for all of us on this Father’s Day, and that is my hope for this nation in the months and years ahead.
For the full article, click on We Need Fathers To Step Up by President Barack Obama,
published: 06/21/2009 in Parade.


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