August 5, 2009

Hittin' the Streets in the Summer Heat

All the health insurance reform talk and sweltering days shifted my plans last month. But August and the coming months hold lots of promise!

For starters, I'm going to begin reaching out to neighbors offline -door knocking, phone calling, and the like. One of my hopes is to hold periodic precinct gatherings. I'm wondering what the first event should be. Hmmm.

Ideas that are percolating....

Travis County Sheriff's Office, Crime Prevention Seminar Series
Communities gain practical tools to combat crime through education and prevention. Seminars are free and interactive.
Topics covered include:
-personal safety awareness -burglary prevention -crimes against children -identity theft -gang awareness -domestic violence awareness

National Night Out
National Night Out is Oct. 6, 2009. Neighborhoods must register by August 28! Questions regarding National Night Out can be directed to the City of Austin at (512) 974-4900 or (click Crime Prevention.)

Animal shelter presentations

The City of Austin is building a new animal services center. The facility will feature some exciting design and architectural elements to promote the health and happiness of the animals in our care. Neighborhood associations interested in learning more about the new animal services center, can schedule a free presentation from the Health Department.

If you've got ideas, send them to me via email! : )

~many thanks~



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