August 12, 2009

I need a time-turner! And yes, that's an HP reference. ; )

ORIGINALLY POSTED: August 12, 2009
There are two great events happening Thursday evening, and if I could be in two places at once, then tomorrow (8/13) would be the day I'd use my time travelin' skills!

Haven't voiced your concerns yet or want to hear your neighbors' thoughts on health care reform? Go to the Texas Medical Association's (TMA's) town hall meet-up at 6:30 PM.

It was rumored that Senators Cornyn and/or Hutchinson would be in attendance, but neither US Senator for Texas will be at the meeting. Nevertheless, arrive early, grab some free refreshments, and get ready to participate in the health care reform talks! Click on the photo to visit TMA's website for more information about their regional town halls.

Want to learn money management lessons from the experts? Want to pass those skills on to teens, adults or seniors?
Get info on how to become a certified FLCCT educator at tomorrow night's Financial Literacy Coalition Central Texas Volunteer Orientation! Arrive by 5:30 PM at the Travis County Office of Texas AgriLife Extension Service. Click on the photo to read FLCCT's blog. in the thick of another health care reform meeting or pick up the basics on FLCCT volunteer ops. ...I'll let ya' know which one I go with. : )
POSTED: August 14, 2009

As you might have seen, if you follow me on Twitter, I was at last night's TMA town hall. By the time the town hall began, the meeting room was PACKED! We (my dude and I) arrived early though and found seats quickly.

The facilitator emphasized that the town hall was not going to be a debate (read: brawl) and the focus was on hearing everyone out (read: no hissing/booing). It appeared to work too, because no one was booed. Although, some people were cheered-on louder than others! --It was the folks in favor of reforming health insurance who were most loudly supported with energetic claps and whoops from the audience.

Those opposed to making changes to the health care system emphasized the right to not be "forced" to have health care coverage, the problem with third-party interference, the fear that people will not want to be doctor's if there are too many barriers (i.e., low Medicare reimbursement rates, malpractice litigation, red tape), and personal experiences with the "world-class health care" that they have right now. That last one, ignores that so many of us do not have access to that "world-class health care." Oh, and there was this one lady who said, "I want to keep my insurance...if someone doesn't have insurance, they need to decide what to do about that." -Wow, how self-centered can a person be?!

Those in favor of reforming the current health care system pointed out: the need for lower, reasonably priced health insurance premiums and prescription drugs; the importance of including people with pre-existing conditions rather than excluding them like so many insurance plans do; and their strong agreement that every American should have access to affordable health care. One women said it is immoral to deny affordable health care.

Based on claps and whoops, it is my guess the overwhelming majority of those in attendance support health insurance reform and agree that affordable access to health care is needed.

The video is a little sticky at some points (freezes up) but feel free to watch it here or at



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